Thursday, August 15, 2013



Set your mind in the right direction. Don’t let other people steal your joy. It’s not what happens to us, it is how our mind is arranged. Stop having those pity parties. 1 Thessalonians 5:16. Be happy in your faith glad hearted, continually and always. In the good times and in the tough times, when it’s sunny and when it’s raining. When those dark clouds are over your head, you feel like life is kind of depressing, kind of gloomy. Always remember, right above those clouds, the sun is shining. You may not see the sun right now but that does not mean it’s not up there. It’s just being blocked by the dark clouds.

The good news is the clouds are temporally. The clouds are not going to last forever. The sun is going to shine in your life once again. In the mean time, keep your joy. Don’t let the few clouds sour your life. The rain fall on the just and the unjust. That means we all face disappointments, unfair situations, tests, trials, and temptations. But note this right pass the test is promotion. On the other side of every difficulty is increase. If you go through the adversity with a smile on your face, and a song in your heart, then on the other side will be a reward. So often in the tough times we get often discouraged; business is slow, bad medical report, legal situations, break up in a relationship. 

Human nature tends to get negative in difficult times. But the scripture tells us to do the opposite. (. James 1:2 says count it all joy when you fall into trials. Because when you lose your joy, you lose your strength. You need you strength and your strength is connected to your joy. When you are facing a financial crisis, dealing with illness, going through a breakup in a relationship, these things are very draining. If you go through it negative, bitter, discouraged, you are not going to have the strength you need to stand strong and fight the good fight of faith.

When somebody offends us, our attitude should be am not going to be get upset. Am going to count it all joy. I know this is simply a test and on the other side of this offense, I am going to be promoted. When business is slow, instead of complaining, you count it all joy. Say this too shall pass. I know God is supplying all my needs. When you face a disappointment, your emotions will tell you to get down and discouraged, you feel self pity trying to set in. try to talk to yourself. You can say self be strong, self get up. That’s how you count it all joy. Instead of letting yourself talk to you, you talk to yourself. Make a declaration of faith. I will get well; it’s going to be a wonderful day.

Don’t allow that spirit of heaviness to overtake you. Put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Offer that sacrifice of praise to God as demonstrated by Paul and Timothy whiles in prison

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