Thursday, August 15, 2013



Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond. Everybody doesn’t have to treat me right for me to enjoy my life. Life is too short to live upset and offended. If you allow your circumstances to control your joy, then there is always going to be some reasons to be discouraged. Stop allowing other people, traffic, disappointment and inconveniences to steal your joy.

People have every right to say what they want to say as long as it is legal and you have every right not to get offended and overlook it. If you allow what someone says or does to upset you, you are allowing them to control you. What they say about you does not define who you are. Their opinion about you does not determine yourself worth. They have every right to have their opinion, and you have every right not to get offended. Let that bounce on you like water on a ducks back.  Some people think it’s their calling in life to point out what we are doing wrong, where we are missing it. They are constantly critical and always finding fault. There is nothing they love anymore than to keep you upset and arguing and always trying to prove why you are ok. You’ve got to rise above that. You don’t need them to agree with you, you don’t have to have their approval.

Let that go and let God make you be whom He wants you to be. The biblical story of Moses and Miriam and Leprosy. So always stay on the highroad and let God do your battles for you. Some people that come across our path don’t want to be at peace with us. No matter what we say or do, is not going to convince them to agree or like or even accept us. Even if you are to change who you are, meet all their demands, they will still find some reasons to be critical. You have to accept the fact that no matter what you do some people are never going to be at peace with you. If you sink back to their level by being cold and rude, you’ve allow them to contaminate you. You have to rise above that. When someone is rude to you, just bless them, smile and keep on moving forward.

When somebody insults you and makes those cunning, demeaning remarks, that’s their problem not yours. Read between the lines. They must be pretty impressed with you; else they won’t be trying to put you down. Keep your strength under control. It’s not how loud we get or how many people we straighten out: let me show what I am made off. If you do that, you are sinking to their level. You are an eagle. An eagle doesn’t waste his time fighting with the crows; he just rises to an altitude where the crows cannot fly. We are all going to have some crows, some chickens and probably a few turkeys. That’s okay. They can’t go where you are going. Like Paul told Timothy, stay calm, cool, and collected.

There are enough battles in life that are worth fighting without getting involved in the one that don’t matter. When God wants to educate a person, he does not send him/her to a school graces but to the school of necessities. Great leaders emerge when troubles occur. - Preached by Joel Osteen

On Christ the solid rock, we stand
 All other ground is sinking sand

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